Sunday, March 1, 2009

60 Minutes - The Mexican Wars and Laying the Path for a new Assault Weapons Ban

In case you missed it, CBS's 60 Minutes had a piece Sunday, March first with CNN's Anderson Cooper on the near Civil War in Mexico. This is the same one that the Attorney General was referring to when he called for a renewal of the Assault Weapons (sic) Ban. Here's the piece if you didn't see it:

Did you catch the disinformation there as they were trying to make a point about the weapons being smuggled from the US to Mexico? Nice pictures of .50 caliber belt-driven machine guns, hand grenades and grenade launchers, none of which are for sale in the US. Either through sloppy journalism and poor research, or through intentional disinformation, the uninformed viewer has the impression that someone can walk into a gun show, plunk down some cash (undoubtedly from a drug sale or terrorist) and walk out with a RPG. Are they intentionally lying or is it just poor research?

The problem in Mexico is real. The State Department has suggested that college students do their Spring Break partying elsewhere through a
Travel Alert about our next-door neighbor. The Mayor of Juarez, Mexico has moved to El Paso, Texas because of the danger. The Govenor of Texas wants troops to protect the border.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is worried about explosives being stolen along the Mexican Border. They've cautioned licensed explosive handlers about an increase in break ins and theft of explosives in the area. So does anyone think that the bad guys are legally buying their machine guns at a gun show and then breaking into store rooms to steal their explosives?

Yet our Attorney General wants to limit the Civil Rights of honest US Citizens and our ability to purchase modern firearms and standard-capacity magazines. Shame on him.

At least he was honest when he said that was on their agenda all along. But more on that later.

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