Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hey, Dianne Sawyer

Recently, ABC (owned by Disney) did what can be called nothing other than a "hit piece" on gun owners on 20/20. The episode was called "If I Only Had A Gun" ( The basic premises were that guns are bad, no one other than police should have guns, and that we should all be cowering victims.

John Lott's excellent commentary on the piece is on this blog at

Today, news comes from Atlanta of yet another example of private folks -- college students, no less -- protecting themselves from slaughter.

Seems that they were the victims of a home invasion in which males and females were segregated and the invaders made sure that there was enough ammunition for the victims present. One of the potential murders was with the females, starting a rape.

Fortunately, one of the potential victims was armed and independent enough to take care of matters. Appropriately, he shot the felons.

Thank goodness he had a gun and wasn't caught just wishing he had one.

A good argument for self-protection, and a good argument for allowing licensed college students to be allowed to also carry when they are on campus.

1 comment:

  1. This is totally crazy and a violation of our first amendment rights as and American. I think we need to get back to the constitution and READ it and stand by what WE THE PEOPLE put into law then.


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