Thursday, April 2, 2009

Is the US Really The Source of 90% of The Guns in the Mexican Drug War?

We've all heard that 90% number preached over and over and over, yet there is little attribution of the primary source. It has, however, become a rallying point for the drumbeat of resurrection of the "Assault Weapon Ban".

The Economist, a British news magazine, today is running a story about growing support for the measure.

Juarez, Mexico's Mayor has moved to El Paso, Texas because of the level of violence in his town.

So the logic you would have to accept is that Mexico is violent because of guns smuggled from the US, yet the US is safer despite being the source of the guns.

When we see reports about the smuggled guns, there is invariably a discussion of gun shows, straw-man purchases, fully-automatic weapons, rocket propelled grenade launcher and the evil gun lobby.

Makes me want to go shopping at one of those mythical gun shows, but I digress.

So where does the 90% number come from? Watch the Fox News report below.

So the 90% is actually 90% of those submitted for tracing that could be traced. However, 68% of the guns were not submitted for tracing because they didn't have serial numbers. That's a whopping 83% that are not traceable.

Once again, there is disinformation being used in an ongoing effort to deny Americans their Civil Rights. Either those disseminating the disinformation don't know there data is wrong, or they know that their lying. Neither is acceptable.

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