- Ammunition may not be sold on shelving that is open to the public. The purchaser must be helped by a clerk to get the ammunition.
- There must be a record of the following:
- Date of sale
- Purchaser's drivers license or other ID number
- Brand, type, and amount sold
- Purchaser's signature
- Name of the salesperson
- Right thumbprint of purchaser
- Purchaser's full residential address and telephone number
- Purchaser's date of birth
Now if the vendor does not follow this, they are subject to six months in jail and a fine of $1,000.
Now can anyone really expect to see a Blood, Crypt, or MS-13 member doing all that?
This is just another version of gun control. Kinda like dad saying you can buy a car, but I get to keep the keys.
If you live in California and you are interested, you might give the Govenator a call or drop him a note with your feelings about yet another attempt to leave you defenseless (remember that the police are not obligated to protect you -- Castle Rock v Gonzales).
Mr. Schwarzenegger is at:
Phone: 916-445-2841
Fax: 916-558-3160
E-mail: http://gov.ca.gov/interact